Monday 1 December 2008

It's nearly that time of year again!

Well the 1st of December has rolled around already and I actually can't believe it, where has this semester gone?! I must confess that after all the talk about corridor Christmas meals and secret santa I caught the Christmas bug even earlier than usual and started listening to Christmas tunes on the 29th and put my decorations up yesterday!

Watching the weather this morning it is an epic mix of rain and snow, you could barely see Wales at all, but at least if snow is expected in Snowdonia it should be warmer here than it was at the weekend as it's been far too cold for snow around here recently (Mo's car and window were totally frozen the other day!)

Anyway, just a random blog really as I woke up earlier than intended and now I'm ready insanely early as my lectures don't start until 10 today, oh well!