Tuesday 13 January 2009

Back Home.

This is a bit of a belated post as I have now been back in Bangor for over a week, but I've been rather busy. =] With exams coming up I've been doing a lot of revision, in amongst looking for a place to live next year and just chilling out and catching up with my friends.

I did not sleep at all well last night, for some reason I just couldn't switch off and it was 3am before I finally managed to drift into sleep. This sadly did not last long though as at 3:23am an incredibly drunk lad claiming to be called Luke decided to ring the doorbell continuously as he "wanted to talk to Sean". I'm glad that I chose not to answer the door as it took Phil about 7 minutes of arguing to get rid of him. Sean and Will somehow managed to sleep through this cacophony, but the rest of the flat was woken up, and apparently his name isn't Luke it's Fred.

Fred now has a £75 fine for breaking exam period silence and he's going to have a disciplinary hearing, hooray!

Other than that life has been good though, we don't have many of these sorts of problems here, it's quite a chilled uni compared to others I think! Welsh monopoly has been played a few times now and everyone seems to be loving it, the other one hasn't been used yet this semester, and me and Mo are now embarking on a game we like to call 'Find the Penguin' which involves taking her tiny penguin figurine and hiding it in the kitchen, when it is found it is then rehidden and so on and so forth. Good fun. =]

I've been trying to expand my cooking horizons slightly. Still remaining in the safe domain of pasta, but I did make a pasta bake big enough to serve 4 the other night and very nice it was too, so that was something a bit new.

And I'll end this incredibly long blog on a word of caution, to you Rob more than anyone else. Never play a drinking game called 'Face Your Fear'. It involves either kneeling or standing with your hands behind your back and falling forward, you have to be brave enough not to put your hands out to stop yourself. Whether he was the only one brave(/stupid) enough or just the first one to try it I do not know, but 3 cracked teeth and 9 stitches later I don't think Will will be playing again anytime soon. I think it's a boy thing. On the plus side the kitchen has gained a fancy blender though, as Will is now living on liquid food until he can get to a dentist.

Right that's enough rambling I reckon you're probably up to date now. =]

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