Right I left of last time saying that I was going to update you on my timetable, I must say it's not too bad, but I do have a few early starts and no days off this semester! And there's also about twice as much contact time this year, so I've been a busy bee:
4-5pm Small Groups
9-10am Prac Lab
1-4pm Statistics and Research methods (ouch!)
11-1pm Personality and Individual Differences
10-12pm Project Talks
1-3pm Learning and Language
5-6pm POPPS
9-11am Social Psychology
So all in all not a bad timetable, but Thursday are pretty painful!
Anyway, it was my birthday last week and it was an eventful one to say the least. On the Friday I walloped my nose on Will's roof rack producing a very audible cracking noise and an instant feeling sickness! I decided not to go to A&E (possibly a mistake =P)and just went to bed with an ice pack on it. Then we went out on Saturday night to celebrate me getting old and we had only made it to the second pub when I passed out completely and the paramedics had to be called. I was apparently totally unconscious for about 15 minutes and then slipping in and out for a further 15, bad times. After an ECG and a lot of blood being taken they couldn't see any cause for it, so we're going with the paramedics diagnosis of a delayed concussion as they normally know what they're talking about!
So when it came to my actual birthday on the Sunday I was feeling pretty ropey, and a bit battered and bruised so I stayed in and opened my cards and pressies and was treated to a yummy Sunday dinner by Will. So not a total disaster in the end. =]
I'm afraid the updates to this blog will probably continue to be sporadic at best as I am hugely busy this year, I've already submitted 2 assignments and have another 5 that I'm working on at the moment! I also have 4 midterms in 4 weeks time to prepare for and I'm also applying for a position to help Dr. James Intrilligator to carry out his experiments this year. I love his name - "It's kinda like alligator but not... I believe its something to do with being a bookbinder in Latin" (this was how he introduced himself) I'm assuming he gets asked about it a lot!
Friday, 16 October 2009
Wednesday, 30 September 2009
Back to Work.
I went back to Bangor on the 12th of September and moved into my new house. It's very nice and now that I've got all my stuff sorted it's looking pretty homely. We've managed to set up the Internet and the phone so that's all sorted now, so it's getting to be a proper little house!
Fresher's week started on the 21st and it was rather hectic with both Will and Dave's birthdays falling in that week, but it was good to get back into the swing of student life. =]
Lectures began on Monday, my Monday's aren't bad as I only have one lecture and it starts at 4, but sadly most of my friends get Monday off! Tuesday's are slightly more annoying as we have a 3 hour lecture of stats in the afternoon (soul destroying!). Our lecture started this weeks one off with a surprise test to see what we remembered from last year! FUN. Today I have my first personality and individual differences lesson and a talk from the head of year, so I'll tell you all how that goes later in the week!
Fresher's week started on the 21st and it was rather hectic with both Will and Dave's birthdays falling in that week, but it was good to get back into the swing of student life. =]
Lectures began on Monday, my Monday's aren't bad as I only have one lecture and it starts at 4, but sadly most of my friends get Monday off! Tuesday's are slightly more annoying as we have a 3 hour lecture of stats in the afternoon (soul destroying!). Our lecture started this weeks one off with a surprise test to see what we remembered from last year! FUN. Today I have my first personality and individual differences lesson and a talk from the head of year, so I'll tell you all how that goes later in the week!
Sunday, 6 September 2009
A trip to York!
Everything of this week has sort of blurred into one big mush! I've tried to separate everything our into the right days but I'm still not 100% sure!
I went to York to visit Rob with Will and Becky, after an appalling drive weather wise we arrived and headed pretty much straight into town after unpacking the car! We decided on the Old White Swan, a gorgeous pub that serves lots of different kinds of sausages with mashed potato, the food was lovely and once we'd stuffed ourselves we moved onto a little pub called the King's Arms. It was a very interesting place, it floods alot as it's right by the Ouze but doesn't close down unless the water goes over the bar! The whole thing is obviously built to withstand flooding as the bar looks more like a battle defence than anything else! They also brew their own vodka (served in measures of 35ml rather than the standard 25!) which was absolutely gorgeous. We then headed to the Punch Bowl which is one of their Wetherspoons as this was a place that offered cheaper drinks for me and Becky as we weren't on the beer that night! We stayed until chucking out time and rolled in home at about 2am, we then chatted in the lounge for a bit and went to bed at about 3.30. =]
Having had a rather late one the night before no one rose very early the next day, but once everyone was awake we ventured into York to do some more touristy things as we'd arrived to late to do anything like that the day before. We found a wonderful little milkshake shop that makes hundreds of flavours right in front of you, I'm not exaggerating when I say you can have pretty much whatever you want, I went for a rather unadventurous but delicious Wispa milkshake, whereas Will went for peanut butter and chili... which he actually thoroughly enjoyed and so did everyone who tried it! We enjoyed our milkshakes in the sunshine on the grass by St Mary's church and then as the weather started to turn we decided to head to the railway museum as that was free, and it actually turned out to be a very fun place, which we all enjoyed. =] Then we headed for drinks and dinner in a pub that can't for the life of me remember the name, it was nice little place that was built under the ground, it had the appearance of a bomb shelter but did lovely food for not much money, 2 meals for a tenner! Then after tea we ambled down to the Rook and Gaskill one of Rob's favourite pubs, it was a resounding success with everyone, particularly Will due to the large arrays of interesting beers on offer! We headed home at about midnight that night as everyone was tired and I had a bit of an earache!

As we weren't too late the night before we got up relatively early and headed into York again, it was absolutely chucking it down so we drove halfway and parked up to cut about 20 minutes of our journey. =P We then headed to Mr Sandwich a place where you can get a fresh made sandwich from a choice of abut 30 flavour for just a pound. Will also brought a cookie there that was nearly as big as his head for just 75p! We consumed our sandwiches on a bench listening to some interesting music performed a couple dressed in old-tyme attire! Then we headed to beer shop so Will could buy some beer to take home with him and then it was back off to the milkshake shop again for more interesting flavours! I went for Oreo Cookies this time and Will yet again out did this with Coffee and Custard... not quite the success of his last one but he still seemed to enjoy it. We then drove to Somerfield to pick up something for dinner. Once we'd eaten we went on a ghost tour round York with Rob's flatmate John which was great fun, and quite creepy in places! Then we headed back to the Punch Bowl and stayed there for the whole evening as its cheap and cheerful, and we picked up a takeaway from Ali-G's on the way home!
Another late night, another late rise! We headed straight to Somerfield for something to eat and some stuff for the journey and after pizza and chips we waved Rob off as he left for work, said goodbye to John and then started on the long journey back home, it was a slow one as there were a couple of accidents but on the whole not too bad.
All in all a good few days. =]
I went to York to visit Rob with Will and Becky, after an appalling drive weather wise we arrived and headed pretty much straight into town after unpacking the car! We decided on the Old White Swan, a gorgeous pub that serves lots of different kinds of sausages with mashed potato, the food was lovely and once we'd stuffed ourselves we moved onto a little pub called the King's Arms. It was a very interesting place, it floods alot as it's right by the Ouze but doesn't close down unless the water goes over the bar! The whole thing is obviously built to withstand flooding as the bar looks more like a battle defence than anything else! They also brew their own vodka (served in measures of 35ml rather than the standard 25!) which was absolutely gorgeous. We then headed to the Punch Bowl which is one of their Wetherspoons as this was a place that offered cheaper drinks for me and Becky as we weren't on the beer that night! We stayed until chucking out time and rolled in home at about 2am, we then chatted in the lounge for a bit and went to bed at about 3.30. =]
Having had a rather late one the night before no one rose very early the next day, but once everyone was awake we ventured into York to do some more touristy things as we'd arrived to late to do anything like that the day before. We found a wonderful little milkshake shop that makes hundreds of flavours right in front of you, I'm not exaggerating when I say you can have pretty much whatever you want, I went for a rather unadventurous but delicious Wispa milkshake, whereas Will went for peanut butter and chili... which he actually thoroughly enjoyed and so did everyone who tried it! We enjoyed our milkshakes in the sunshine on the grass by St Mary's church and then as the weather started to turn we decided to head to the railway museum as that was free, and it actually turned out to be a very fun place, which we all enjoyed. =] Then we headed for drinks and dinner in a pub that can't for the life of me remember the name, it was nice little place that was built under the ground, it had the appearance of a bomb shelter but did lovely food for not much money, 2 meals for a tenner! Then after tea we ambled down to the Rook and Gaskill one of Rob's favourite pubs, it was a resounding success with everyone, particularly Will due to the large arrays of interesting beers on offer! We headed home at about midnight that night as everyone was tired and I had a bit of an earache!
As we weren't too late the night before we got up relatively early and headed into York again, it was absolutely chucking it down so we drove halfway and parked up to cut about 20 minutes of our journey. =P We then headed to Mr Sandwich a place where you can get a fresh made sandwich from a choice of abut 30 flavour for just a pound. Will also brought a cookie there that was nearly as big as his head for just 75p! We consumed our sandwiches on a bench listening to some interesting music performed a couple dressed in old-tyme attire! Then we headed to beer shop so Will could buy some beer to take home with him and then it was back off to the milkshake shop again for more interesting flavours! I went for Oreo Cookies this time and Will yet again out did this with Coffee and Custard... not quite the success of his last one but he still seemed to enjoy it. We then drove to Somerfield to pick up something for dinner. Once we'd eaten we went on a ghost tour round York with Rob's flatmate John which was great fun, and quite creepy in places! Then we headed back to the Punch Bowl and stayed there for the whole evening as its cheap and cheerful, and we picked up a takeaway from Ali-G's on the way home!
Another late night, another late rise! We headed straight to Somerfield for something to eat and some stuff for the journey and after pizza and chips we waved Rob off as he left for work, said goodbye to John and then started on the long journey back home, it was a slow one as there were a couple of accidents but on the whole not too bad.
All in all a good few days. =]
Tuesday, 25 August 2009
What Ruth Did This Summer...
Right this is gonna be an epic post basically explaining everything I can remember from this summer as I havn't blogged for ages!
From the 21st to the 28th of June me and Will went on holiday to the Isle of Arran in Scotland. We packed alot into our week there with walks, bike rides (mainly Will doing those but I did brave it once... and it was one of the most terrifying things I've ever done, fun though!), a tour of the distillery in Lochranza and a day out with my auntie Sheila. =]

At the end of June me and Will and Becky went to Cadbury World which was an incredibly fun day, it's changed loads since I went there last and there's alot more fun, interactive things to do there. =)
Then we helped Robert move out of C Block and into his new house, which is lovely if not a case of cramming as many bedrooms into a house as possible!

Then me and mum and Rob went on an awesome holiday to Portugal, we went to Lagos on on of the days and went on a dolphin safari which was amazing. We also went a place called Pera to this really cool sand sculpture place.

We also spent a lovely weekend down at Chris Harris' birthday BBQ, the weather was good (for the most part) and the food was tasty, we also got to stay out and look at the stars. =]
And the final piece of news is that I've spent the last week tidying my bedrom! It is now pretty much done and looking absolutely massive! Can't believe how much trash was in there though, we got rid of about 12 bin bags from my room!
From the 21st to the 28th of June me and Will went on holiday to the Isle of Arran in Scotland. We packed alot into our week there with walks, bike rides (mainly Will doing those but I did brave it once... and it was one of the most terrifying things I've ever done, fun though!), a tour of the distillery in Lochranza and a day out with my auntie Sheila. =]
At the end of June me and Will and Becky went to Cadbury World which was an incredibly fun day, it's changed loads since I went there last and there's alot more fun, interactive things to do there. =)
Then we helped Robert move out of C Block and into his new house, which is lovely if not a case of cramming as many bedrooms into a house as possible!

Then me and mum and Rob went on an awesome holiday to Portugal, we went to Lagos on on of the days and went on a dolphin safari which was amazing. We also went a place called Pera to this really cool sand sculpture place.

We also spent a lovely weekend down at Chris Harris' birthday BBQ, the weather was good (for the most part) and the food was tasty, we also got to stay out and look at the stars. =]
And the final piece of news is that I've spent the last week tidying my bedrom! It is now pretty much done and looking absolutely massive! Can't believe how much trash was in there though, we got rid of about 12 bin bags from my room!

Tuesday, 16 June 2009
I'm a terrible blogger!
Oh dear yet another month has passed with no blogging in sight, I don't really have an excuse as I havn't been hugely busy now that University is over for the summer, I just didn't ever feel like sitting down and writing a blog!
I arrived home from Uni on Sunday afternoon and it's quiet here to say the least, Rob's still in York and mum's still working so I'm alone in the house each day, but it has at least given me the chance to catch up on all the lost sleep and make up for a few months of late nights.
I don't have many concrete plans for the summer except for going to Arran on Sunday and Portugal late in July. At some point I will probably go down to Swansea to meet Will's family and hopefully we'll find enough time to go and visit Rob too as he wants to show me and Will some of his fantastic pubs and bars!
Since I last blogged the only really interesting things I have done are go to the beach:

And going camping! It was absolutely wonderful, the campsite was only about 30 seconds walk from a beautiful beach and we found ourselves in the middle of a heatwave, the best weather I've seen for a very long time!

Probably won't blog again until after I'm back from Arran!
I arrived home from Uni on Sunday afternoon and it's quiet here to say the least, Rob's still in York and mum's still working so I'm alone in the house each day, but it has at least given me the chance to catch up on all the lost sleep and make up for a few months of late nights.
I don't have many concrete plans for the summer except for going to Arran on Sunday and Portugal late in July. At some point I will probably go down to Swansea to meet Will's family and hopefully we'll find enough time to go and visit Rob too as he wants to show me and Will some of his fantastic pubs and bars!
Since I last blogged the only really interesting things I have done are go to the beach:
And going camping! It was absolutely wonderful, the campsite was only about 30 seconds walk from a beautiful beach and we found ourselves in the middle of a heatwave, the best weather I've seen for a very long time!
Probably won't blog again until after I'm back from Arran!
Wednesday, 13 May 2009
Sun, Sun, Sun.
Wednesday, 6 May 2009
My life it's been a long time since I blogged! I got out of the habit of it over the Easter holidays and then sine I've been back in Bangor I've been rather a busy bee with assignments and preparing for exams. I've had 5 assignments due in since I got back and handed the last 3 in today, now all I have left is an exam on Friday and another on Tuesday and then my first year at University is over!
It's a terrifying thought, and the time has passed incredibly quickly, but I've enjoyed every second of it and am so glad that I chose to come to Bangor, it was definitely the right place for me!
We've found our fourth housemate for next year so I'll be resigning me contract and paying my quarter of the retainer on Monday, exciting times! I think I'll really enjoy living in a proper house next year, this year didn't really have quite the uni experience with a warden on our corridor and towards the end on our backs as well, that's one part of halls that I definitely won't miss! I will miss living in Cefn Y Coed though, I've made some good friends here and despite the warden situation I do feel I was very lucky with the halls I ended up in. =]
Now that I'm nearly done with the semester I'm starting to plan my Summer, with trip to Arran already booked and a camping trip on the cards for late May I can't wait. =]
It's a terrifying thought, and the time has passed incredibly quickly, but I've enjoyed every second of it and am so glad that I chose to come to Bangor, it was definitely the right place for me!
We've found our fourth housemate for next year so I'll be resigning me contract and paying my quarter of the retainer on Monday, exciting times! I think I'll really enjoy living in a proper house next year, this year didn't really have quite the uni experience with a warden on our corridor and towards the end on our backs as well, that's one part of halls that I definitely won't miss! I will miss living in Cefn Y Coed though, I've made some good friends here and despite the warden situation I do feel I was very lucky with the halls I ended up in. =]
Now that I'm nearly done with the semester I'm starting to plan my Summer, with trip to Arran already booked and a camping trip on the cards for late May I can't wait. =]
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